Personal Development

The Personal Development Program (PDP) is a unique online program that consolidates Anxa’s psychology offerings in the following fields:

  • Intelligence

  • Career

  • Personal Development

  • Life Coaching

The enduring popularity of the PDP stems from the universal need to know one’s self better in order to be a better person. One can benefit from the Ph.D.-certified tests, personalized reports, and expert tutorials that make up the core of the PDP, which is offered at an unmatched value, given the quality of the content.

Anxa offers the PDP through white label distribution and through its showroom site. To complement the PDP offering, Anxa also provides informative quizzes and articles on timely topics that are sure to engage reader interest.

If you are a representative of a website that is interested in implementing the Personal Development Program, contact us here.

If you are an individual consumer, find out more about the Personal Development Program here.